• YVR (Vancouver Airport)

    Date: 2010.12.06 | Category: Day Dates, Drink Dates, Food and Drink Dates, Indoor Dates, Inexpensive dates, Night Dates, Ongoing, Richmond area | Tags: ,,,,,,,,,,,,,

    Okay, going to YVR on a date has probably been one of our stranger date nights thus far but it turned out to be super fun.  Pete was reminiscing about the restaurant and bar at LAX called Encounters   and how it is a destination place for drinks, dinner and plane watching.  That got us to wondering if there is a neat place to have a date at our beautiful Vancouver airport.  Plus, Pete has been dying to ride the new Canada Line to YVR for a while now so our strange date night idea was borne.  I had never been to the airport without good reason – you know like flying in or out of the country – so I actually liked the idea of spending time there without worrying about the weight of my luggage or if the plane’s bar had enough booze to ease my intense fear of flying. 

    So to YVR we went.  The ride on the Canada Line was like any ride on a skytrain.  There was the usual mix of interesting/ funny/ rude/ smelly people and Vancouver scenery.  When we got to the airport, it was unusually quiet for a Friday night.  We wandered around and were a little disheartened that the only restaurants we could find, at first, were White Spot, Milestones and some assorted food court (Read: greasy) options.  But we did find a neat plane observation area located above the food court in the domestic terminal.   Then we remembered that the Fairmont Hotel  was attached to the airport (in the International terminal above US departures – it is in the predeparture area) and so we trekked there.  Inside, we found the Jetside Bar and the GlobeYVR Restaurant

    Both places overlook the runway and have a lovely west coast feel to them – sort of like a lodge at Whistler if you know what I mean.  We decided to hang

    The elevators that take you up to the Fairmont Hotel at YVR

     in the Jetside Bar because we only wanted to have a drink and some appetizers.  We chatted briefly with a fun couple from Texas who had never been to Vancouver before this trip.  They had a fabulous time.  (Yeah, Vancouver!!).  The food and the drinks were great and it was fun to watch the planes take off and land.  Naturally we started brainstorming our next vacation – both real and fantasy!  As a side note, both the Jetside bar and the GlobeYVR restaurant have an offer which gives you one two zone Canada Line pass for purchases over $25.  Check their website for details