• Reader Suggestion: IKEA!!!

    Date: 2011.12.09 | Category: Cheap Date Suggestions By Others, Day Dates, Indoor Dates, Inexpensive dates, Ongoing, Richmond area | Tags:

    As a Swede and a mega IKEA fanatic, I love this great date night idea from fellow blogger Peter of Peter’s Pig Out Food Reviews.  Peter wrote us to suggest that younger couples might enjoy going to IKEA as a cheap date idea.

    IKEA is a great fantasy place and it provides so many topics of conversations eg. which mock kitchen do you like; which bedroom display is the sexiest; should I spend 99 cents on this spatula shaped like a horse etc.

    AND, you can’t beat $1 hot dogs or ice cream for snacks or a yummy meal of meatballs and beer for cheap!  Now if we could just let them open the ball room to adults, it would be the ultimate outing for me!!

    Thanks Peter!!  We love this idea.